
So when it comes down to it, after say, around Valentines day, more or less, those ninety percent of gym goers appear to disappear off of the face of the earth. Being that it’s the first week of January, each fitness center across America is going to see their sales skyrocket. Not bad, right? No, not at all, but the question that remains is, why do they disappear? There are many excuses, er, I mean, answers to that question. Maybe the excuse, I mean answer, is lack of time, or maybe another answer, I mean, excuse, oh, whatever, is life getting the best of them. Seriously? Life? That’s a new one. Here’s the funny thing, a workout may be performed anywhere. Eating right is pretty easy, as long as the right choices are made. Whoa! I just cracked the magic word! Choices!

“I have to get fast food or pizza every night because I don’t have time to cook.”

Okay, well, there are actually healthier options out there to pick up instead of pizza and fast food. Many restaurants these days have pick-up options.

“Yeah, but by going through a drive-thru, I don’t have to leave my car.”

That’s cool, Applebees has that I believe, along with chicken caesar salads plus sirloin and vegetables.

“My kids don’t each vegetables.”

You’re the parent!

“It’s 2015!”

You’re the parent!

“It’s child abuse if I force kids to eat what they don’t want to.”

You’re the parent.

“I vote liberal.”


“I’m a politically correct individual.”


Substitute excuses for lack of physical activity as well. I don’t have enough time to write about injuries (work around it), or kids who would rather play video games (don’t buy it for them) or that today is different than yesterday (that’s a desperation card, buddy).

So, the point I’m making is that make this year the year to really buckle down, hit the fitness goals, and forget about time. Here are a few tips:

  • Wake up earlier than usual. No more of this “I’m too tired” excuse. That’s all it is. You don’t feel like waking up, that’s all it is.
  • Don’t like waking up early? Don’t feel like it? Okay, admit it then, and save the workout for after work. If you don’t want to take time away from others, then you better go with tip number one.
  • Make healthy choices that are easy to make. In other words, foods that aren’t complicated to cook or won’t take as much time to prepare. It’s easy. Packaged low sodium tuna is a good place to start. Don’t like tuna? There’s chicken. Don’t like meat? Try a variety of nuts. Don’t like nuts? Try fat free dairy. Lactose intolerant? Eat eggs. Can’t afford to eat good food (because you buy your kids junk) then go to your local town drunk and buy him beverages and charge him double for it.
  • Can’t afford to go to the gym? Have you ever heard of Herschel Walker? Look him up, he does something like a bunch of push-ups, sit-ups, sprints, and bodyweight squats. Want more variety? Diamond Push-ups, chair dips, bodyweight lunges, split squats, scissor kicks, etc.There are a ton of bodyweight movements to do.
  • Is working out just plain boring? Take the exercises I mentioned in the previous tip and do them in front of a TV.
  • Still sucks? Do them while you watch your favorite TV show.
  • Still not cutting it? Try doing the workout with a friend, all the while watching your favorite TV show.
  • Still suck? Get another workout partner. Three times the charm, right?

So, there you have it, a few tips to get you going for the new year. But, now that you have some exercises, how do you do them? Can’t do a push-up, do them elevated. Still can’t do them? Find a wall, now try them. Same goes with any of these exercises. Do crunches hurt your back? Do planks. Planks too easy? Try doing them while raising the opposite arm and leg off the ground. Still too easy? Put your two year old on your back……now that’s a challenge! Is the bodyweight squat too easy? Try a five second descent and ascent then come and talk to me.

Now, do your friends like the lifestyle change? No. Hate to say it, but find new friends. See ya later, bud! This part is especially easier if you join a gym. Now, don’t do what I do and pull a Joe Namath and make a guarantee a few years back that you’d be the most prominent graduate from the Class of 2009 at Edison High School…..that may have been a mistake but hey, I don’t think anyone of them are still competing in any type of organized sporting activity and have their pictures online. When I get that muscle car and condo it’s gonna be lights out, game over, I told you so at the ten year reunion when I drive the thing right into the building. In other words, joining the gym would be easier in that regard since you will be surrounded by a motivating bunch of people who won’t try to bring you down to their beer-fest weekend, uh, I mean, their own level.

Fear The Cold?

It’s that time of year again: Winter has come. Now that many of us in the Northeast or in my case, the Far Eastern Middle West or Just Barely Southeast, it means cold, snow, and that ever slow countdown to March 21st, the first day of Spring. But until that “most wonderful time of the year,” let’s get back on track to society’s Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Those of us who love to see our six pack remain fully intact during the winter months of December, January, February, and March (first three weeks), we usually have to retreat indoors if we wan to keep up our training regimens no, wait, what if the roads are icy? Gasp! No gym then! Well, that’s why we need an alternative gameplan.

We can go with the number one alternative during this time of the year: “My shirt won’t be off for at least another couple of months, so what’s one skipped workout going to do?” That’s like saying “The roads are too horrible to go to the grocery store to get some food so I’m  just going to say heck with it and give myself a cheat meal……..or cheat day…..although I have plenty of frozen chicken and steak downstairs, I really just don’t feel like taking the couple of hours out of my day with nothing to do to cook all this food.”

Why don’t we just go with alternative route number two? This route is a little easier and much more sensible to go with, and not only that, a sense of accomplishment will be felt afterward. This means using resources at hand to create yourself one killer workout. Make it intense, make it count. The best type of training for this type of environment is bodyweight training. Consider the example for a cardio  routine:

4 circuits, 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest.

Push-ups, reverse lunge, plank, bodyweight squats, burpee, mountain climber, squat hold, sit-out, jumping jacks. Repeat this with one minute rest in between circuits. This workout will take no longer than 40 minutes, it’s all bodyweight, and you’ll feel like you just did a sprint workout.

Got some light dumbbells or resistance bands? Try this:

4 circuits, 25 reps per movement, fewer than thirty seconds rest between movements. First three movements involve weight, and the rest are pure bodyweight.

Biceps curl, lateral raise, shoulder press, jump lunge, decline push-up, lateral mountain climber, jump squats, sit-out, full crunches, burpees. The object is to get 1,000 reps as fast as possible, using good form on each movement.

Want a conditioning workout? Give this a go:

5 rounds, 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off.

Lateral shuffle from one side of a room to another, burpee, walking lunge from one side of the room to another, jump rope (emulate the movement if you don’t have a jump rope), mountain climbers, commandos, bodyweight squats, high knees (in place).

It doesn’t take long to get a solid workout in, and even if you don’t traditionally do these types of movements or styles, the object is to get that workout in with the resources you possess. When the weather fails to cooperate, anything is better than just simply blowing off the workout. For those of us who plan on competing during the earlier parts of the year (April or May) this is a must that we keep to our schedules regardless of what it’s doing outside.

Want another good example? Try taking just one or two exercises that can be done with bodyweight, such as push-ups and mountain climbers, and combine the two by performing twenty-five reps of each in a super-set. Do this for ten minutes. Then, pick two more exercises, like jump ropes and bodyweight squats. Do the same thing. Take thirty seconds off between each set and you have a killer cardio workout right then and there.

Another One In the Books

It was an ultra busy week for me last week to the point to where I couldn’t get to my wordpress. There’s always a lot going on in the final week of show prep. For starters, I had to sacrifice a day or two so I had to cram more people in at different times than usual. Another thing is that I had to go through the process of hair removal, spray tanning, and water depletion, the last of which is always the toughest aspect of show prep. And then of course, finding the show venue was a big challenge, as I had rarely been that far east of Pittsburgh to the point where we were seeing the beginnings of the mountain range. Greensburg is a good forty-five minutes away from Pittsburgh.

The good news is that I managed to take fifth place at the NPC Natural Pennsylvania Championships and secured a qualification to the NPC Team Universe, a pro-qualifier. Now, I do want to secure one more top five finish at a Team Universe qualifier to ensure that I can hang with some of the best natural men’s physique competitors in the country, preferably facing a larger class of at least fifteen competitors or more. My class at the Natural Pennsylvania consisted of nine other competitors, which is a fairly decent size.

My plans for the near future are simple: for one, I need to find someone to give me some honest critique on my presentation. A few (including one prep coach backstage) let me know that I had the best look of the entire class. This leads me to believe that my presentation was off…….way off. So, this is definitely what needs to be corrected. Luckily, I have a friend who has a good connection to a well respected member of the NPC, who lives about thirty minutes down the Ohio River. I can’t wait to talk to this guy, as he knows the ins and outs of presentation in every single NPC division, being around the sport for so long.

As for my fitness shoot update, it seems like it will be taking place on Wheeling Island in November before the prejudging of the NPC West Virginia State and Mid Atlantic Grand Prix. I can’t wait to do the shoot, but I’m still on edge about possibly hopping into the fray in November as well, something I had no intention to do as recently as last week, but we’ll see how things play out. I really wouldn’t mind hopping in though, but again, we’ll see. This is due to the fact that I may get talked into doing the show during my trip down the river this weekend since my friend’s prep coach is very good friends with the contest promoter. Being that I like to remain close to my contest look year round, with some critique on my presentation, I may be set to do very well if I did in fact decide to compete.

As for my workouts, I really only have one for you all this week because last week was more of my lighter weeks, since I wanted my body to be completely rested before taking the stage last Sunday. I really lightened up the load last week, in an attempt to prevent any and all injury as I strode to simply burn a bit more energy with lighter weights and higher reps. This is something I only do the week of a show, but it is still good for anyone to try every three to four months after lifting heavy for that time, just to give the joints a break for a week without really stopping what you are doing, which one should never do, and it gives the muscles a little bit of confusion since they are so used to one particular style of training.

As for this week, I am a big fan of the afterburn team training workout that was distributed this week. If I thought last week was up my alley, then this week is two times that. Six sets of every exercise, consisting of twenty seconds on, ten seconds off Tabata style training is always intense. Even more intense than last week’s do as many circuits of ten reps of each movement as many times as possible for ten minutes straight, and trust me, that is my style of cardio right there. I have to thank one of my best workout partners ever for introducing me to that and being consistent with it before running off to college (see ya in December, kid)!

Anyway, I started my normal, routine two a day sessions again yesterday, which is another reason why I took such a long break in between posts. My first workout of the day was simply a three mile run, a ten minute ab workout, with agility movements being performed after every quarter mile that I ran. Last evening was my shoulder workout, which looked like this:

5 sets/10-20 reps

Face Rows/Seated Machine Rear Delt Fly

4 sets/7-20 reps

Inverse Barbell Shoulder Press/Lateral Raise

4 sets/10-15 reps

Cable Upright Rows/Underhand Grip Dumbbell Front Raises

6 Single Sets/50 reps

Battling Ropes of all varieties, 20-30 second break in between

4 sets/12-15 reps

Bodyweight TRX Fly/Cable Pirate Ships

In total, this workout only took about forty-three minutes to complete, and my set total reached forty. Not a bad start to the next macrocycle.

Like I said, now’s the time to really take control in mastering every little aspect of the sport. Qualifying for the national level is big, but if I am unable to present myself then it just defeats the purpose of competing. In physique, it’s more than just having the best look, one needs to present themselves with that look, showing people why they should be the winner here. I can’t wait to improve on that, and as always, improve my current level of conditioning, which anyone and everyone can do. It’s time to take that next step, be it at the November show or at my next show that I am certain I’ll be at, the 2015 NPC Natural Ohio, at which I took eighth place last year in a class of fifteen. Let’s improve on that score. Natural PAShot from the pre-judging.

Leg, Workouts, Home Workouts, NBA and Week Five NFL Picks

Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, I can’t get enough of it. After two weeks of staying true to my workout regimen of isolating muscle groups only six days out of the week and then dedicating one day to cardio only, I broke that promise to myself this past week, isolating chest last night when it was supposed to be a steady state cardio night. Hey, a few hours later at six this morning, I did get that cardio workout in, so no harm done, right? What am I looking to do tonight? Shoulders.

Honestly, I really just can’t wait until I do legs again. I’m guessing my return to the leg circuit is going to be Wednesday, October 15th, or at least that is in my initial plans. My ever so nagging knee will ultimately be the deciding factor in that. So, what does this ‘Return of the King’ workout going to look like? See my initial plans:

Barbell Squats: 4-5 sets/10-15 reps- Not going too heavy on these too soon.

Tactical Lunges with Kettlebells: 3 sets/12 reps per leg

super-set Single Leg Kettle Bell Squats: 3 sets/12 reps per leg plus 12 jumps per leg

Smith Machine Leg Presses (this destroys the leg press machine): 3 sets/15-20 reps

super-set Barbell Lateral Lunge (you can go really, really deep here, but stay balanced): 3 sets/Over length of gym/back)

Box Jumps: 4 sets/30 seconds

super-set: Explosive Step-Ups: 4 sets/30 seconds

When it comes to legs, I like to use all free weights while throwing in the leg extension and leg curl machines on a bi-weekly basis (when my knee is up to training). I also like to utilize the kettlebells. There are some really advanced movements here, so if you have to, substitute a few of these movements, such as the sled leg press for the smith machine leg press, lunge for tactical lunge, use lower boxes for the jumps and step-ups if needed or simply just do jump squats and standard step-ups.

Currently ten days out of my final show of the season, the NPC Natural Pennsylvania. This is by far the leanest I have looked all year, and in life. My secret is simple: consistency. Sure, I preach the importance of nutrition, but both training and nutrition go hand in hand. In this equation, these two elements equal consistency. Consistency is key. Consistency is everything.

I really cannot wait until this show has passed, so I can display progress pictures from the three previous shows of 2014 to everyone just to see what six and a half months can do for one’s physique. The secret is just to remain consistent. Now I don’t need everyone thinking that they have to mirror my own regimen, which on a typical day requires two workouts per day, a pre and post workout shake at each workout, and three solid meals on top of that. If one just does half of that, then they will be on their way to success in the fitness realm.

This brings me back to what consistency really is. Many of us can claim to not have enough time in the day to keep to a strict fitness regimen. We state that if we are parents, full time employees, college students, have additional commitments in addition to our already hectic lifestyles and so on and so forth, then it is just impossible to get into the gym to workout. We really have to look at ourselves if we do feel this way and really analyze on whether or not what is being said are excuses or not. Sure, at twenty-three years old, being single, childless, working in a gym, one would believe that I have all the time on the planet to reach my goals. Not so much. I don’t like to cram my workout in between client sessions, even if I have up to two hours. I like to make my workouts either during a long downtime stretch, or after my final client, most of the time, after my final client, at night. This is always my favorite time to get a workout in. Also, I am a full time college student in addition to training at least thirty-two hours worth of clients per week. This also limits my time. Hey, the sad thing is on Saturday and Sunday, I wish I would have seven to eight hours worth of clients to train. I wouldn’t mind putting forty-five to fifty hours in a week! That’s at any job.

For those of us that still believe that in no way, shape, or form it is possible for them to get to a gym no matter what I will say, I have good news for you. It’s not that hard to stay in shape, and don’t give me the “my kids won’t eat healthy foods” excuse. You’re the parent! You should control what your six year old puts in their mouth. Oh, and when they feel great and have a bunch of energy, they won’t even care for frozen foods anyway. Not only that, why not benefit the entire family by showing them a fit lifestyle. Oh, and by the way, your kids will be capable of doing this workout too, as it’s all bodyweight cardio:

50 Jumping Jacks

40 Crunches

40 Squats

40 Leg Raises

30 Jumping Jacks

20 Bicycles

20 Squats

30 Leg Raises

10 minute run

This workout seriously only takes about twenty-five minutes per circuit and it’s killer cardio! For those of you who want a bit of a challenge, you will need some light dumbbells or bands for this next home workout that I have in mind:

First, set the amount of reps that you wish to accomplish per movement: 30, 50, 75, or 100. This is in as many sets as it takes, and it doesn’t have to be all at once.


Decline Push-ups

Biceps Curl

Lateral Raise

Full Sit-up

Bodyweight Squats (Make hands touch ground)


Band or Dumbbell Row

Leg Raise


Now onto some sports predictions: I love October! This is the only month of the year where the NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA play their games simultaneously. That rocks!

NBA Picks

Below, I have where I think each team will finish in their division. Also, the number in the parentheses represents where each team will be seeded come playoff time.


Atlantic: Toronto (4), Brooklyn (7), New York (8), Boston, Philadelphia

Central: Cleveland (1), Chicago (2), Indiana, Detroit, Milwaukee

Southeast: Washington (3), Charlotte (5), Miami (6), Atlanta, Orlando


Northwest: Oklahoma City (3), Portland (4), Denver, Utah, Minnesota

Pacific: LA Clippers (2), Golden State (5), Phoenix, LA Lakers, Sacramento

Southwest: San Antonio (1), Dallas (6), Memphis (7), Houston (8), New Orleans

Eastern Conference Finals: Cleveland over Chicago

Western Conference Finals: San Antonio over Oklahoma City

NBA Finals: San Antonio over Cleveland

Already Played: Green Bay: 33 over Minnesota: 10- Hey, at least I got close to the right score here! This game had blowout written all over it in an Aaron Rodgers v. Christian Ponder duel.

Carolina: 24 over Chicago: 23- This might be a pretty good game featuring two equally talented teams, both sitting at 2-2. The Panther defense has had numerous problems over the last two weeks but Jay Cutler still can’t find any consistency with his receivers.

Dallas: 28 over Houston: 24- The Cowboys are on a hot streak and something tells me this isn’t the same old Cowboys. Why? Tony Romo just realized that there are ten other men on offense. The Houston defense is hot, especially with some of the best in the game, but the offense is either old, slow, or injured. Not a good combo. Cowboys take this one.

Detroit: 30 over Buffalo: 10- I can’t remember when Kyle Orton last won an NFL game. But a quarterback controversy this early in the season is not necessary. The Lions have so many weapons on offense that the Bills just won’t keep up this early in the year.

AFC Game of the Week: Indianapolis: 34 over Baltimore: 31- If you want shootouts this is the game to turn to. Andrew Luck has been red hot for the Colts as Steve Smith has for the Ravens. The difference here is that Luck has about ten other guys to throw the ball to, while Joe Flacco has one guy and a running game. Oh, and the Colts have that too with Ahmad Bradshaw.

Pittsburgh: 22 over Jacksonville: 17- Finally here! Ben Roethlisberger v. the future Ben (Blake Bortles). The only difference between Bortles and Roethlisberger in their rookies seasons is that Ben had a team and Blake has the Jaguars. I feel bad for the guy because I would put him right there with Ben, Andrew Luck, and Cam Newton if he played for someone else.

Upset of the Week: Tampa Bay: 28 over New Orleans: 24- The Saints are just struggling to make anything happen this year. After the Bucs upset last week, playing a demoralized Saints team may be the best momentum builder for the Bucs.

New York Giants: 35 over Atlanta: 21- As good as the Falcons are, and they are a great team, they just can’t get it done on the road. Meanwhile, Eli Manning has been red hot for two consecutive weeks. This is a guy on hot and cold streaks. The good news for Giants fans is that his streaks tend to last a while.

Lock of the Week: Philadelphia: 38 over St. Louis: 13- The Eagles are back in business after that debacle against the 49ers. Chip Kelly won’t likely lose like that two times over. Meanwhile, the Rams defense is usually on the field for an eternity. This won’t bode well.

Cleveland:27 over Tennessee: 24- The Browns are the most exciting team to watch in 2014. Not because they do anything flashy, more so because they like to keep the game close until the end. The Titans on the other hand are struggling to find a quarterback and if Charlie Whitehurst has to go again, Jesus himself will declare Whitehurst a false prophet because he’s not saving any franchise with his numbers.

NFL Inter-Conference Game of the Week: Denver: 31 over Arizona: 28- Wow, the Drew Stanton led Cardinals take their undefeated record into Denver to play Peyton Manning and the Broncos. Guess what? Stanton is going to give Manning and the Broncos defense a run for their money. In the end, the Broncos seal the deal with the home crowd. It took everything I had not to jump on the Cardinals (and Drew Stanton) bandwagon.

San Diego:33 over New York Jets: 16- The Chargers had a revival last season and it carried over into 2014. This team is legit, their only loss being by only a one point margin earlier in the year to Arizona. The Jets might have more problems than this after this game.

San Francisco: 24 over Kansas City: 14- The 49ers stopped one of the hottest offenses in the NFL last Sunday. Being at home against Kansas City shouldn’t provide too much of a task at hand. Be warned though, as Alex Smith finally gets his revenge shot on Sunday. Ultimately, he comes up a couple of scores short.

Cincinnati: 30 over New England: 24- As bad as the Patriots have looked, and as much as many would like to write this team off, they aren’t done by any means. While they don’t get the win here, they keep it close in Foxboro until the final drive, when Tom Brady either throws a crucial pick or turns the ball over on downs. Hey, still short term satisfaction among all non-Patriot fans, right?

Seattle: 28 over Washington: 17- The Seahawks steam past the Redskins in this one. Though I do believe the Redskins have a good core of players, and that last week was just one of those games, we have to remember the firepower shown in the Seahawks defense and running game, which, by the way, is still as powerful as ever.

NFL Picks for Week 4 and Fitness News

Week four of the NFL season is upon us! Let’s see what I have in store this week:

Already Played: Washington: 38; New York: 31- As you can see, I failed with this pick right here. Kirk Cousins had a rough outing, which at this point in his career, is a rarity. For Eli, it’s a rarity to see him rush for a touchdown.

Baltimore over Carolina: 24-17- Carolina struggled at home last week. It appears that their lack of talent on offense maybe catching up with them. This one may be even lower scoring here, with two very talented defenses taking the field.

NFL Rivalry of the Week: Chicago over Green Bay: 27-19- The Packers may very well be on their last chance at the division already, barring a complete meltdown by both Chicago and Detroit. If they lose here, then they sit at 0-2 in NFC North play. Not a good hole to be in.

Houston over Buffalo: 20-17- Houston has to take advantage of this situation. Buffalo is not as good as their record but Houston has the edge in talent, and the home crowd.

Indianapolis over Tennessee: 23-14- Just in, Charlie Whitehurst will get the gig in Tennessee. Like Houston, the Colts have to take advantage of this situation against the Titans. If they do that, they stand at 2-0 in the division. The problem? They’re already 0-2 against playoff teams.

Detroit over New York Jets: 21-16- The Lions Matt Stafford should have a field day here. Detroit’s offense hasn’t looked like what it should be, so look for a closer game. The Jets can score at any time but the offense is very inconsistent at times.

NFL Snoozer of the Week: Oakland over Miami: 13-9- Wow. Fans in London may see a touchdown scored in this one. Two teams with very laughable talent on the offensive side.

Pittsburgh over Tampa Bay: 31-10- The Steelers look to take their momentum in an upset win over Carolina over a struggling Tampa Bay Buccaneers team. Shouldn’t be too hard.

Lock of the Week: San Diego over Jacksonville: 42-13- Blake Bortles era begins. Can he get a win this week? Not until he has more talent around him. He’s playing in real time now.

Atlanta over Minnesota: 20-19- Teddy Time begins in Minnesota. Can he hold it close? Recent history tells us that the Falcons might just be that very talented team to get upset this week, as their play on the road is meager.

Philadelphia over San Francisco: 34-21- The 49ers are struggling while the Eagles remain hot. Nick Foles and co. may not have much of a problem here.

NFC Game of the Week: Dallas over New Orleans: 34-28- The Cowboys and Saints have a little bit of animosity these days fueled by none other than Rob Ryan. In the end, the Cowboys put up just enough to upset the Saints.

AFC Game of the Week: New England over Kansas City: 21-13- The Patriots offense isn’t that hot this year but the defense is. That’s going to be big in this game.

Byes of the Week:

Seahawks- Still the number one team in the NFL according to most. I disagree (see below)

Bengals- The Bengals may be the only team in the NFL to have zero struggles on either side of the ball. Number one team.

Browns- Brian Hoyer has made it through three weeks as the starter. Don’t blame him for their 1-2 start.

Cardinals- My prediction in the pre-season was taking the NFC West. Through four weeks, they lead it.

Broncos- Still couldn’t beat the Seahawks. Maybe they just played a Super Bowl XLIX preview? Maybe one more shot.

Rams- The defense has to play up to their potential. If they do, they’re back in it.

Fitness news: Workouts

Cardio Sprint Workout:

Sprint workout coming up at six. I’ll call this upcoming workout The Go-To, since it’s becoming my recurring workout:

One Mile Run
10 Hill Sprints (jog back down the hill for rest)
10 20 yard Lunges
10 Ladder Sprints (going at least ten yards further with each set, jog back)
One Mile Run

Shoulder Centuries:

X amount of handstand push-ups (I’m on a wall, okay)
100 shoulder presses per arm
100 front plate raises
100 upright rows
100 shrugs per side (I rarely do these, but I’m in the mood)

Zero Cardio, 800 Reps, Fast As Possible:

100 Push-ups
100 Decline Push-ups
100 Two Point Rows per arm
100 Total Weighted Lunges (Weight on one side, this hits the obliques too)
100 Bicep Curls per arm
100 Suspended Dips
100 Upright Rows
100 Full Sit-ups plus about 20 straight minutes of ab work

By the way, use as little rest as possible, and get this done as fast as possible.

I sit two weeks out from the NPC Natural Pennsylvania. Time to take the carbs down just a little for these last two weeks, just a little. Still have a lot to do to get ready these days. Time to crush these final weeks.

My Next Event: Halloween Havoc! Nope, it’s not a show, it’s just Todd wanting to look good at Halloween. I’m dressing up as a Virant Knight, so I’ll def be posting some pics of that. Ordered yesterday, can’t wait to wear it.

Shoot Time: Hoping to get that last shoot of the year confirmed. If so, it’ll be around contest time too. Another event I can’t wait to get going with.

Hunt For October: In addition to the NFL and fitness, I love MLB. Prediction time, although my Rays (yes, the Rays) are missing out for the first time in a while:

Wildcard NL: Pittsburgh over San Francisco- Is anyone peaking at the right time more than the Pirates?

Wildcard AL: Kansas City over Oakland- The Royals? Yep, with the A’s faltering down the stretch, giving way to the Angels, it’s the Royals who get in.

ALCS: Los Angeles Angels over Baltimore Orioles- Hate to say it, but the O’s get eliminated here. LA is a big market but I’m a small market type. The Angels are just too good here. Hottest team in the AL.

NLCS: Los Angeles Dodgers over St. Louis Cardinals- The City of Angels reps the entire MLB in 2014. 2014 belongs to Los Angeles.

World Series: Angels over Dodgers. The Angels are just way too hot to be stopped. If one team can keep it up for one more month, one team that wants it, it’s the Los Angeles Angels. For the first time since 2002, Los Angeles gets a World Series, and it’s the “other” Los Angeles team that takes it.

Week 3 NFL Picks and Nifty Workouts

Brought to you by the King of Shredz:

First things first, guys, I have to take care of business. Week Three in the NFL is upon us, being played by great players who have yet to be tried or convicted for child abuse, murder, bounties, domestic violence, substance abuse, or just merely violating personal conduct. Remember the movie ‘Playmakers?’ It was a television show televised by ESPN about a decade ago that basically went over all of the problems that went on in the NFL, in a fictional league of course. There’s a reason why the show was pulled after about one season, and I’ll leave it at that.

The good news is that there are some very classy and talented NFL players who actually appreciate their opportunities. So, without further ado, here are my picks for the week:

Already Played: Atlanta over Tampa Bay: 35-7. This game was a snoozer. It was actually 56-0, Atlanta’s favor before T.J. Yates entered the game. That pretty much tells you that Tampa’s defense is overrated and Josh McCown is a backup.

AFC Game of the Week: San Diego over Buffalo: 27-24- Two weeks ago I would never have guessed that the Buffalo Bills would be in the conversation for anything except due to the fact that they gave Cleveland their first round pick. Now, they are being given a shot at 3-0. I’m still not sold on them yet.

Cincinnati over Tennessee: 28-10- If Jake Locker can be the Jake Locker of Week One and not the one we saw last week, then the Titans may just have a chance here. Why will this not happen? Because the Bengals have one of the best defensive units in the NFL. They’re just too good.

Cleveland over Baltimore: 16-9- I honestly thought Brian Hoyer would be on the bench by now, but he’s done a good enough job to keep Cleveland In contention for the AFC North. As for the Ravens, they’re on the road. The Ravens don’t play well on the road.

Green Bay over Detroit: 31-28- Here’s a shootout…..potentially. The Lions have to score more than a touchdown to beat Green Bay. They just aren’t good enough……..they’re playing the same old Packers and they’re the same old Lions.

Indianapolis over Jacksonville: 20-15- The 0-2 Colts vs. the 0-2 Jaguars. It sounds like a snoozer, but the Colts played against two of the top three teams in the NFL, and lost by a combined total of ten points. Just a tough schedule. Now, it’s smooth sailing. Why isn’t this higher than 20 points? The Colts like to play to the level of their competition.

Lock of the Week: New England over Oakland: 38-6- The Patriots are one of the best in the league at virtually everything. The Raiders are one of the worst at virtually everything. Not a good combo.

New Orleans over Minnesota: 34-17- Maybe the Saints can finally win a game without blowing it. If they can’t beat Minnesota in the Super Dome, then they aren’t beating anyone. That being said, Rob Ryan has to go if this happens. He’s the worst defensive coordinator of all time.

Houston over New York Giants: 28-17- Houston is the luckiest team in the NFL. No offensive talent, or old talent, and they still put up a lot of points, and allow very few. Why? Look at what they’ve played so far. Now they play the Giants and a washed up Eli Manning.

NFC Game of the Week: Philadelphia over Washington: 44-38- Like offense? Here’s one for all of us. Two 2012 draft picks going head to head. Kirk Cousins……yes, Kirk Cousins, vs. Nick Foles. Two high powered offenses, one shootout. If the Redskins put thirty plus points up again, they may as well trade RG3 to the Rams……that’s ironic.

Snoozer of the Week: Dallas over St. Louis: 21-16- I’m not one to bash America’s Team but I also am a fair person and the Cowboys still aren’t on my watch yet as a contender. But, Tony Romo is still way better than Austin Davis. Heck, half of Dallas’s fanbase probably has never even heard of Austin Davis. Who is Austin Davis?

Upset of the Week: Arizona over San Francisco: 23-21- No matter who plays quarterback, the Cardinals are not only the second best team in the conference, they have the second best coach in the NFL in Bruce Arians. He can make something out of nothing.

Miami over Kansas City: 17-16- Close game, but the Chiefs are 2-8 since their 9-0 start last season. Different coach, different quarterback, same sorry-ass Chiefs. But, you have to mention the Dolphins in the same breath. End of the day, the Chiefs always, always, always wear down.

Revenge of the Week: Denver over Seattle: 30-13- Call me crazy? Have you ever seen a vengeful Peyton Manning play in an NFL game? The results speak for themselves.

Carolina over Pittsburgh: 20-13- The Steelers are in danger of falling to 1-2. Remember when the Steelers were one of the NFL’s elite? Remember when the Panthers were a laughingstock? I only hope no Pittsburgh fan will wake up from a four year coma, because they’re in for a rude awakening……..literally.

Chicago over New York Jets: 31-24- Jay Cutler looked like an all-pro last week. Geno Smith is still in his second season and is still mistake prone. Not a good combo.

Nifty Workouts: So, I had a few good ones this week. Let me begin with my One Hundred Rep Nightmare:

100 reps of everything, as many sets as it takes. Rest time is how many reps you have remaining in seconds.

Decline Push-ups

Dumbbell Rows



Upright Rows

Suspended Dips

Plate Curls

Try it.

Also, before isolating any muscle group, try these before you workout:

Chest: 100 dumbbell fly

Back: 100 pull-ups

Triceps: 100 suspended dips

Biceps: 100 dumbbell curl

Legs: 100 lunges

Shoulders: 100 lateral raise

Abs: 100 full crunches

Before you workout the target muscle group, shock those muscles early.

Give me a weekly shoulder, ab, and cardio attack:

1,000 jump ropes for warm-up
10 minute non-stop ab work

4 sets of each and every movement, 8-12 reps unless specified.
Dumbbell Clean to Press
super-set: Inverted Barbell Presses

Dumbbell Lateral Raise
tri-set: Dumbbell Front Raise
tri-set: Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly

Battling Ropes for 50 reps
tri-set: Rope Face Pull
tri-set: Machine Rear Delt Fly

I’m out! Todd ‘King of Shredz’ Matthews.

Sunday Chest Day with Other News

Finally! Tomorrow is Week 2 of NFL Sunday! I have a chest workout and some training principles to follow for the ensuing workout. Before that I want to touch up on some more fitness news and I’ll give the rundown of my Week 2 NFL picks.

Chest is my weakest body part by far. This means that I like to take chest a little bit further than my other muscle groups. I don’t train my other groups any less, I just train them as hard as I can and then train chest harder. Though it is a weak point, I do have a very good mind-muscle connection with chest. This means that I can really control my chest muscles during my workout. My stronger shoulders and triceps like to compensate, but this compensation is getting lesser and lesser, especially if I can get my chest through a thorough warm-up. When this happens, my chest workouts are epic.

I like to train chest on days where many of the other mass population won’t, which means any day but Monday, as long as I can help it. I do this so I don’t need to compromise my chest workouts around others. I’d rather put my chest through what I plan to. My favorite days to work the muscle are on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I’ll choose two days a week.

Chest Workout and my Train Insane Principles:

A) Train with the utmost intensity and tenacity possible
B) Train to motivate others and bring positive energy into the gym
C) Hit the target muscle group from all angles
D) Train to failure for the final 2-3 sets
E) Yell Ronnie Coleman training quotes during workout

These principles will provide the best workout possible. Onto tomorrow’s workout:

3 sets/12 reps at each level
1) Push-up ladder- Get on smith machine, do 12 incline push-ups, raise the bar up one rung, repeat, and do this for five total levels.

4 sets/X amount of reps
2) Wide Grip Suspended Bodyweight Dips
super-set: Bodyweight Fly

4 sets/8-12 reps in a pre-exhausted state
3) Incline Barbell Presses
super-set: Incline Fly

4 sets/15-20 reps
4) Cable Crossover
super-set: Cable Iron Crosses

The Burnout
5) Medicine Ball Push-up Burnout for 4 sets

Week 2 Picks:

Already played: Baltimore over Pittsburgh- I picked the Ravens to win a closer one, but it looked like a bit of a blowout. On the plus side, Antonio Brown gave me ten fantasy points!

AFC Game of the Week: Miami over Buffalo: 28-13- This may be the biggest darkhorse ever for Game of the Week, but it is. And the Dolphins take this one and hopefully finish what they started last year.

NFC Game of the Week: Detroit over Carolina: 28-17- These teams feature arguably a top five offense against a top five defense. They may even rank in the top three in their categories. The only problem is that Cam Newton has only one weapon while Matthew Stafford has at least five. Six if you count his left tackle.

Inter-conference Game of the Week: Cincinnati over Atlanta: 38-35- Offense, offense, offense. These teams feature air raid offenses, and multiple playmakers. If you like shootouts, take a look at it.

New Orleans over Cleveland: 31-20- The Saints offense is way superior to the Browns offense. Brian Hoyer won’t hang with Drew Brees. The Saints are way too good.

Lock of the Week: New England over Minnesota: 30-10- The Vikings were dealt a huge blow that might rival the Ray Rice saga. With a dark cloud floating over them, the young Vikes will be no match for a Tom Brady that lives to prove others wrong.

ex- Rivalry of the Week: Arizona over New York: 20-7- The Cardinals have a solid offense and a solid defense. Solid teams tend to have quiet, but solid results. The Giants are very, very weak on offense. For you kids who have no idea what I’m talking about, the NFL had the Arizona Cardinals in the NFC East until the 2002 season. Oh, and for a fun fact, the 2013 Super Bowl contenders, Seattle and Denver, were division rivals at one time. The Seahawks played in the AFC West from 1977-2001. They are also the only team to switch conferences twice, playing in the NFC in 1976.

Tennessee over Dallas: 27-21: Tony Romo was showing a lot of rust last week while the Titans took it to the Chiefs. As a whole, the Titan offense should dismantle the Cowboy defense.

Jacksonville over Washington: 24-13- The Jaguars have a weak offense, a weak defense, and a weak team. But they’re a team that’s loaded with potential. Slowly, they will be the one team that will strengthen. Slowly but surely. A momentum booster against a very weak Redskins team will be a good start.

Seattle over San Diego: 33-17- The Seahawks have a gem in the fourth member of the “Legion of Boom,” Byron Maxwell, who picked off a pass against Green Bay and batted down four. Richard Sherman will get some work. In the end, the Seahawks continue their pursuit for two in a row with a win.

Snoozer of the Week: Tampa Bay over St. Louis: 17-3- It’s tough that you’re already on the second week of the season and already down to the third string quarterback. Two of the leagues worst offenses go head to head. Someone should win this one.

Denver over Kansas City: 41-14- The Chiefs are going to continue their crash back to Earth this week. This is a team that can’t seem to get The Comeback II out of their minds. Who should Andy Reid talk to right now? Buddy Ryan, Warren Moon, Haywood Jefferies, the entire 1993 Houston Oilers. For you young guys who don’t know who I’m talking about, look at the iconic structure next to where the current Houston Football Club plays. That was where Houston’s true team played. Not just that, the Denver Broncos offense and defense are just elite.

Green Bay over New York Jets: 35-27- The Packers offense will get going against a weak Jets secondary. Geno Smith looked good last week but he’ll be outdueled by one of the league’s best.

Houston over Oakland: 16-13- Houston is in luck with an easy early schedule. This may help them carry momentum as the season heads closer to October. But the Raiders have a hot hand at quarterback for a change, but he’s young.

San Francisco over Chicago: 27-17- The Bears defense cannot stop anyone right now and Jay Cutler is one of the worst in the league on the road.

Young Quarterback Duel of the Week: Philadelphia over Indianapolis: 38-37- We have a shootout on our hands, but the Colts defense isn’t capable of stopping anyone without Robert Mathis. Nick Foles has a new number one in Jeremy Maclin and a decent defense to hold the Colts just enough.

The 100 Rep Method

Centuries, you know what they’re like. From the Middle Ages of the 1300’s to my noble ancestor Sir David Mathew rescuing his King in the mid 1400s (true story, look it up), to Columbus not necessarily discovering America (Amerigo Vespucci, again, look it up) but being credited for doing so, to Jamestown in 1607, to the good old colonial times, to the American Revolution of 1776 to 1783, to the birth of Lincoln in 1809, to the great Civil War from 1861 to 1865 to the first modern war, The Great War (World War I) in 1914, to the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, to the Obama presidency of present day. Centuries, one after another. And to make matters even cooler, I just gave a brief history of the world dating back to what I believe is the twelfth century, whenever Vespucci found America but for some strange reason saw no reason to assert his power for his own self gain (look up what Columbus was really after).

Now, if I gave a brief history of wellness and fitness, I’d bore you all because about eighty million things, often contradictory, have been discovered fairly recently, try the nineteenth century when people (in the West, that is) really began to care about their bodies. No, I don’t want to hear about ancient Greek Spartans, but I will say that sometimes I have dreams from a past life that would imply that I was indeed, a Spartan. This is probably why I love Greek food, too, but I haven’t had much in a while because I tend to consider most of it cheat food. Actually, I wouldn’t if I made it myself but now I’m going completely off of my intended topic, so without further ado, let’s get to the centuries.

Centuries, by my humble definition, means one hundred of something, anything, followed immediately by one hundred more of anything, followed again by one hundred more of anything. Centuries, be it every one hundred years, every one hundred yards, every one hundred reps, or every one hundred miles, centuries is basically one hundred of something followed immediately by one hundred of something else. Make sense?

Now, since I am talking about fitness and not about world history (I still get that itch every once in a while) we’re sticking with reps, in his case. Centuries are tough, brutal, not only psychologically, but emotionally challenging to the individual. It looks like an ultra tough hill to climb, but once the hill, or rather, mountain, is climbed, one feels the sense of accomplishment. This method of training isn’t meant for only one burnout set of one hundred reps. Each, and every, exercise is going to be just that: one hundred reps.

You can perform these in several ways. My favorite way is to simply get in as many reps as I can with a desired amount of weight, usually thirty to forty percent of what I would normally get for ten to fifteen reps, and get as many clean, solid reps as I can. So, say if I can get seventy reps before burning out, it means I have thirty reps to go. What I am going to do now is rest for thirty seconds, because I have thirty more reps to perform. Once I get the desired amount of reps in, then I’m going to go on to another exercise, targeting a different body part. On Monday, I did the following movements:

Crunches: 100 reps

Decline Push-ups: 100 reps

Dumbbell Rows: 100 reps per arm

Lunges: 100 reps total (not because it’s a leg movement, it’s because my right knee is currently in shambles and I probably shouldn’t be doing any legs to begin with, so give me some credit).

Upright Rows: 100 reps.

The above workout took me about thirty minutes to complete. Then I did my ten minute non-stop ab circuit, which I am notorious for, after I wrecked out a good five hundred reps. So, I completed five centuries here. Sometimes, I’ll up the ante and shoot for ten exercises of one hundred reps each. What I am doing here is mostly bodyweight exercises, two to three for larger muscle groups and only one for the smaller groups. With this, I like to do the following:


Suspended Dips

Bodyweight Curl

Decline Push-ups


Deep Bodyweight Squats on Plyo Box

Single Leg Speed Squats

Suspended Push-ups on TRX

Shoulder Presses with half of my current bodyweight on the bar.

TRX Bodyweight Rows

Sometimes, a 1,500 rep workout is in order. Assume that I have the above workout intact, but I’ll add in a cardio movement after some exercises:

Burpees: You can get really good at these after several weeks.

Step-ups with bodyweight only

Speed Box Jumps (much easier on the knees)

Battling Ropes (consider this movement a break)

Kettlebell Swings

Boom! A 1,500 rep workout is now in order. I think I did hit the 2,000 rep mark once, but that was because it was about zero degrees that day and there was snow on the ground from the night before and I had nothing better to do. It was a good two and a half hour workout! It rocked!

Here’s another fun thing to do to. Want some history lessons? Start with the first century. For us Christians out there, the significant aspect should be an easy one. Name a historical event, then do the movement. Why? It kind of takes your mind off of what’s at hand when you’re in the eighteenth century and the Battle of Yorktown is going through your mind. Or, you’re in the 2,100 rep range and the event in mind is the ISIS conflict, you really can take the mind elsewhere in the world while still crushing the workout. It’s seriously a psychological thing.

For instance, when doing workouts like this one that’s seriously taking your body to the absolute limit, why is it a good idea to have your favorite music blaring in your ears? Because certain music will create certain psychological responses in individuals. If I have Blink 182 in my head, then my workouts will always be harder and I’ll be more focused. If you don’t believe me then try it. Though I’m not a big fan of the TV on cardio machines, that’s usually annoying.

Getting It All In

Moderation is key, and to be completely honest I really don’t care how long your workout is, because being in the gym for two plus hours at a time (if you don’t work there) on a weekday where you are not having a day off from work is just not necessary. It’s either you’re wasting your time mixing in your social life with the gym, you’re underemployed (especially if you’re living off others trying to make the gym a reality), or you have no idea how to workout. Yesterday I trained clients for nine hours over a fifteen hour span, from 5:00am to 8:00pm. I also got to study for two hours and then workout twice, once in the morning between clients and then once in the evening after my last client. I still was able to get in a good six hours of sleep, which for me is a lot. 

My activity level these days is through the roof, and it’s going to be even more hectic come October, and then even more hectic come January. First off, I’ve come a very long way in my twenty three and a half years of experience on this Earth, and that’s a testament to God. I could have very well gone the other direction for those who know my story from 2009 to 2011. I won’t go there yet, but my followers will get to hear this tale in due time. It is a thriller indeed, but first I need to recollect from my memory bank. Second off, my activities range from the following: work, school, networking (such as this article, plus other outlets that allow me to draw a base of fans), competition prep (food prep, show prep, shoot prep), and then maintaining my share of duties at home. Oh, and I forgot my workouts! That’s a lot in one avenue, and this isn’t even counting hobbies and this time of the year, I probably spend at least twenty hours a week on my main hobby. 

So, if you’re a busy person, and most of America is, then as I stated in an above paragraph, I don’t care how long a workout takes. There’s only one element anyone and everyone should be concerned about, and that element is Time Under Tension (TUT). TUT is the amount of time the body is under tension during a workout, meaning that the workout itself is only as long as the body is under tension for. Breaks are not included in TUT. At work, I typically only have a half hour towards each one on one client, if it’s a class or a small group session, the time may be forty-five minutes to an hour. This means that the style of training must emphasize on TUT. This means limited breaks.

For those who need to consider time as part of their workouts, consider my morning workout:

10 minutes nonstop abs

Do as many reps as you can before taking a break. However many reps you have left is how long you get to rest for, so if you have thirty left, you get a thirty second break.
100 reps Dumbbell Curl
100 reps Skull Crushers with Dumbbells
100 reps Incline Dumbbell Curl
100 reps Dips

Finale: CTFletcher‬ style
10×10 (no rest in between) Cable Pressdowns, changing weight each time
10×10 (no rest in between) Cable Barbell Curl, change weight each time

How long did this thirty-six set workout take me? It lasted about forty minutes tops. TUT was probably around thirty-four to thirty-five minutes. Considering that the workout was thirty-six sets, that’s a very solid TUT. 

Now, having a limited amount of time to get a workout in has more benefits than one would think. If you only have a limited amount of time to get a workout in you are probably doing one of the following:

*Working instead of talking

*Burning fat more efficiently. Sound odd? Not really if you think about it. You have a limited time to workout, so a workout as little as only thirty minutes is going to burn fat better than one who has a longer amount of time to get a workout in. Why? You’re more likely than not going to keep moving as fast as possible throughout the workout instead of taking your time during the workout. 

*Working multiple muscle groups at once. Again, sound odd? And again, not really if you think about it. If I only had a half an hour per day to workout with my current lifestyle, which would probably be closer to the case if I weren’t single and owned a home my workouts would train drastically. For instance, instead of doing the above example I had set, I would utilize more total body movements, such as kettlebell swings, thrusters, one-arm TRX rows with a rotation, anti-rotation overhead presses, and squat-rows instead of my usual isolation movements. All of these moves incorporate many, many muscle groups. For instance, the squat row will target my legs, lats, and core. The thrusters target legs, shoulders, triceps, and obliques. Multiple muscle groups are still being worked multiple times per week.

*It’s also realistic to think that you will do more sets. When you only have a limited time to workout, you have to think outside of the box sometimes. This means that you can workout in a style that many simply won’t do because of the demands and tenacity of the style. For instance, on cardio day, you are more likely to do sprints than just run or incline walk at a leisurely pace. When you lift, you could incorporate what I had shown in the above example or you could do something like a top of the minute routine, which means thirty sets in thirty minutes. Do each exercise for fifteen to twenty reps, rest for the remainder of the minute, then do a second set at the beginning of the next minute. 

*In addition to cardio, one of my favorite workouts that Alloy Personal Training Solutions has distributed in recent years are the after-burn programs. After-burn speaks just as it sounds, you’re going to burn calories after a thirty minute workout. You’re going to burn calories up to forty-eight minutes after a thirty minute workout. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. This isn’t P90X, this isn’t Insanity, because it’s way better and a lot safer. For starters, there are three levels of difficulty for each exercise for the individual to choose from based on their current fitness level. In addition, the workout is very, very fast, resembling a crossfit style workout. As I had explained in the past, after-burn incorporates times such as thirty seconds on, ten seconds off, sixty seconds on, five seconds off, top of the minute, three sets of fifteen reps of full body movements as fast as possible and do as much as you can in a thirty minute time limit. It also incorporates a group or team style mentality, meaning that the individual is likely doing the workout with multiple individuals. This encourages competition between those participating in the workout. And for those who do have more time, if thirty minutes isn’t enough, then try two after-burn style workouts back to back.

This is coming from someone who uses the program and does not in any way, shape, or form receive compensation to endorse the program. I have been doing this for a year and here are my results from both afterburn and just quick burst workouts that utilize the TUT method over time actually spent in the gym:

August, 2013

August, 2013

2014September, 2014

One year of transformation right here. I thought I looked great in the above picture. I think I look good now, but I can’t wait to laugh at this latest progress picture one of these days. 

So, if you only have a very limited time to train, never fear. You won’t fail at fitness. You may even have plenty of advantages. You may have many more advantages than you would think. These advantages are plenty and motivating enough to keep to a strict, committed fitness life. And that’s the good news. 



_MG_0055Todd Matthews is currently an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer at an Anytime Fitness franchise. He has been employed at Anytime Fitness since 2012. In 2009, he earned his first CPT from the American Fitness Professionals & Associates three months after graduating from Edison High School. He is also currently a Wellness and Fitness student at California University of Pennsylvania. Todd also is a lifetime natural men’s physique competitor in the National Physique Committee and the National Gym Association. He has also participated in three fitness shoots on bbpics.com. 


More Useful Information and Saturday Workouts

Today I’m going to go over the social networking aspect of my fledgling empire. I do put a lot of good, useful stuff on this blog, including advice on fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, motivation, and pictures. However, there is much, much more that I have to offer you all in your journey to the top of the fitness realm. I use facebook and instagram as key outlets in addition to my personal page here. Here are my pages:

Instagram: toddmatthewsfitness. Follow me here and gain some awesome access to even more pictures, motivational quotes, short clips, and even more progress pictures.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/toddmatthewsphysique?ref=hl . Follow the link posted for full workouts, workout tips, nutrition tips, lifestyle practices, and look at some secret workouts that only few of us know. I’ll be using my facebook page to post videos of exercises that not too many individuals know how to do by merely looking at the name of the exercise. Also, I’ll have videos of my personal style of training too, as well as some really cool nutrition videos coming up soon. So far, I have posted my latest shoulder workout onto the site. Feel free to scan my page and take a look at it. 

As always, I like posting my workouts onto the page as well. But, I do copy many of my main workouts onto this page. Getting my grind on early this morning, I did a really fast cardio workout, ten solid minutes of abs, and then the remainder of my workout was a chest workout. Here is what I did

Chest Workout:

5 Minutes on stair stepper, as fast as possible, climbing as many steps as possible.

10 minute abs

3 giant sets/25 reps: Push-up, Wide Grip Push-up, Close Grip Push-up, Reverse Push-up, Wide Grip Incline Push-up
4 sets/8-12 reps: Cable Crossover/Incline Barbell Bench Presses
4 sets/ X reps: Suspended Push-ups on Dip Machine/Incline Fly
4 sets/15-20 reps: Weighted Wide Grip Suspended Dips/Decline Crossovers

This workout typically takes between an hour and an hour and fifteen minutes to complete. 

In a few hours time, I’ll get my cardio on. My right knee has been experiencing some issues over the last nine days but after two days of taking a really strong dose of glucosamine, the knee is ready for another test run. Here is what I plan to do:

One mile run for a warm-up

Circuit: 20 yard lunge, 40 yard sprint, jog down hill, sprint up hill. Repeat as many times as possible in a 20 minute time limit.

Circuit: 1/4 mile run as fast as possible, 50 mountain climbers, run another 1/4 mile except that this time the 1/4 mile is down the hill and back up the hill. Return to first exercise in this circuit.

10 minutes of abs in a giant set. 

Total time should not exceed one hour. 

These workouts are not for the weak hearted. Go ahead and modify them if need be, but the full workout requires a lot of clean calories, a decent warm-up, and your favorite music, which is usually a deciding factor that keeps people going. So go ahead, give it a whirl, and tell me what you think.